Sticky Mat is a convenient material to quickly retain dust, soil, sand and dirt from the external environment after stepping on before you go to the factory or production environment requires strict sanitation.  This proven and widely recognized for the effectiveness of the Sticky Mat products , all kinds of dirt are removed / before entering the environment clean and hygienic , thus contributing to quality assurance amount of product in the manufacturing process . All substances can contaminate due to travel between areas in factories, or dirt from the shose soles can stick or the push-cart wheels will be trapped with the adhesives permanently that will be disposed.

Now, the technology and the knowhow have been very matured and stable over the many years’of usage and application worldwide and they always continuous improvement, to ensure enhanced efficiency as well as reduce the production cost.  Sticky Mat product supply by DPS Vietnam is superior quality products than other Sticky Mat in Vietnam, because of our product is supply by the prestigious manufacturer from Korea with a variety of different sizes according to the diverse needs customer.

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